Category Archives: Music
MoonBlaster Mania (MSX music disk)
Posted by Javi Lavandeira in Gadgets,MSX,Music,Retro | January 2, 2015Another old application programmed by me in 1993 or 1994. This one is a music disk for MSX2 computers (or higher) with at least an FM-PAC. Also supports MSX Audio for stereo sound and digital samples. I thought this was already available in The MSX Archive, but looks like it wasn’t. I’m also releasing this one to the public domain.
Get it here: (180 KB)
It works fine under the openMSX emulator with the mbstereo extension.
Most of the songs are by Carlos García. Graphics, code, and the two crappy songs (guess which ones) are all my fault.
NOTE: The samples in the last song (‘Warrior‘) seem to be corrupted. It doesn’t matter much, because we used this same song for the intro of MATRIX.
Thanks Paco for reminding me about this one, and mars2000you for pointing an online archive that still had it!

MoonBlaster Mania
I’m by no means an expert in music, but I can tell when I see a good performance. Last week I went to one of those. The event was part of the Tears of Today Tour 2012, which was just a couple of performances by several artists: one in Tokyo and another in Osaka.
I was invited by Luschka. She’s the singer in one of the bands (named after her), and she also plays the keyboards in another. Shameless plug here: she’s also my coworker.
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